Internet vertraut auf Leclerc: "Nächstes Jahr wird es anders".
F1 News

Max Verstappen konnte in Abu Dhabi einen weiteren Sieg einfahren, aber das Hauptaugenmerk lag auf dem Kampf zwischen Charles Leclerc und Sergio Perez. Der Monegasse konnte diesen Kampf schließlich siegreich beenden, was in den sozialen Medien viel Aufsehen erregte.
Was hoping for a 1-2 #Checo finish,(hits harder after realising what a chance lost in Brazi) but what a season! #Max WDC, #RedBull Constructors Champ. Best Checo performance, trim out the lose ends and we are set for 23'...happy for #Leclerc ..
— LindaMuthuri (@muthuri_linda) November 20, 2022
yesssss Charles yessssss, next year it will be different #leclerc #gpabudhabi #ferrari
— TedMosby (@TedMosby0302) November 20, 2022
#Leclerc and #Perez what a drive! What a fight! What a race! What a finale! #f1 #AbuDabhiGP
— Raunak Narayanan (@The_MalBori) November 20, 2022
For those “fans” throwing hate at Max Verstappen for not helping out Checo, look at the statistics. Checo simply underperformed against Charles Leclerc. P3 is fair. Congrats to Charles for a great season. Looking forward to the next one #MaxVerstappen #ChecoPérez #Leclerc
— B3uk3rsUnit3d (@b3uk3rs) November 20, 2022
#leclerc better driver than #perez. Well deserved 2e place!
— René (@squash2002) November 20, 2022
Forza #Leclerc you and #ferrari are coming back! All #Verstappen had to do was slow down a little to help Sergio but he was even too proud for that.
— AJ Enns (@EnnsAj) November 20, 2022
Does this season take Lewis out of the goat conversation for good? #LewisHamilton #AbuDabhiGP #Formula1
— Super F¹an (@F1lukesuperfan) November 20, 2022
Up there with one of the most boring #f1 seasons? #Formula1 #AbuDabhiGP
— Jacob Thomas (@realjakethomas) November 20, 2022