Vettel garners hefty criticism with helmet design calling for peace

F1 News

11 March 2022 at 21:11
Last update 11 March 2022 at 21:58

Formula One drivers have spoken out en masse about the war in Ukraine. The disbelief is the same for everyone, but Sebastian Vettel spoke out just a bit more fiercely about the situation. He, therefore, came to the winter test in Bahrain with a special helmet design. With this helmet, he calls for peace, but the first offended party has already come forward.

'No war' is the clear message on the Aston Martin driver's helmet. In addition, the German flag has made way for that of Ukraine, alongside the peace symbol. On the top adorns the lyrics of John Lennon's 'Imagine'. Yet Vettel managed to infuriate someone with the design. How ironic do you want it to be?

Outcry over helmet with peace message from Vettel

That anger concerns a specific detail of the design. Along the rim are depicted the flags of all the countries in the world, but with one of them the German has incurred the wrath of the government of Cyprus.

The flag in question is that of Northern Cyprus, a self-proclaimed republic recognized only by Turkey. "Vettel's decision to put the flag of this pseudo-state on his helmet is unacceptable," reads the response from the Cypriot motorsport federation according to CyprusMail.

The union is not leaving it at that and is filing a complaint against the driver with da FIA. "We demand the immediate removal of the flag from his helmet and the imposition of a penalty on both the driver and his team," reads the continuation of the statement.