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Canadian road users warned: "You're not Max Verstappen"
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police has issued a hilarious warning to road users in Alberta for not obeying traffic rules. Motorists are thereby reminded that they are not Max Verstappen and that they are not on an F1 circuit.
Canadian road users warned with hilarious tweet
In Alberta, there seems to be a nuisance from road users who do not follow traffic rules. The RCMP is once again reminding motorists not to confuse public roads with a closed street circuit and that they are not professional race car drivers.
"Sorry to break it to you, but Alberta roads are not Formula 1 closed street-circuits and you aren't Max Verstappen. Slow down, drive the posted speed limit and help everyone get home safely," reads the cautionary tweet.
To a sharp Twitter user who asks if that means Verstappen doesn't have to follow the traffic rules in Alberta, the RCMP also has a sharp response, "If he doesn't follow the Alberta Traffic Safety Act, we'll be Verstappen him." You've been warned, Max!
Sorry to break it to you, but Alberta roads are not Formula 1 closed street-circuits and you aren't Max Verstappen. Slow down, drive the posted speed limit and help everyone get home safely. #RCMPTraffic
— RCMP Alberta (@RCMPAlberta) April 5, 2022