Dutch GP: 'Those who misbehave will be removed from the site'

Red Bull Content Pool

F1 News

15 July 2022 at 21:00
  • GPblog.com

The organisation of the Dutch Grand Prix has heard with disgust how some of the fans misbehaved in Austria. General Manager Robert van Overdijk has a clear message for spectators who intend to repeat this in Zandvoort.

Van Overdijk first of all states that such behaviour does not belong in sport. "This does not really belong anywhere," he says in interview with the AD. The Brabander thinks the behaviour is in no way justifiable and wants to make clear in advance that it will not be tolerated during the Dutch Grand Prix.

Bad apples not welcome in Zandvoort

Van Overdijk realises that many Dutch people who were present in Austria will also come to Zandvoort, with one important difference: here many will bring their wives and children, as Zandvoort presents itself as a 'pure family event'. Yet that does not mean that it cannot happen in Zandvoort. However, Van Overdijk also stresses that this was a typical example of a couple of bad apples spoiling it for the rest and that the risk is always present where large crowds gather.

In order to prevent this kind of scene, the organisation is, just like last year, appealing to the visitors themselves to keep an eye on things. In addition, extra security will be deployed and all volunteers will receive special instructions. "As far as I am concerned, there is only one measure for misbehaviour. You have to remove these people from the site. No tolerance, no pat on the back. You just don't want those people here,' says Van Overdijk.