Chandhok understands little of FIA's approach: 'Reflects badly on them'

F1 News

6 October 2022 at 19:35
Last update 6 October 2022 at 19:43

For a week, the Formula 1 world has speculated on the rumours surrounding the budget cap being exceeded. Red Bull Racing and Aston Martin are said to be the two teams that have gone over the limit in 2021. Karun Chandhok does not understand why the FIA is sticking to a timetable with the announcement.

The FIA was initially supposed to release the report detailing F1 teams' expenses on Wednesday, but the report was delayed until Monday after the Japan Grand Prix. Chandhok does not think this has helped the situation.

"What I’m slightly confused about is why they put themselves into this sort of pigeonhole of timelines. Just leave it open and say at some point in October we’ll announce it. That reflects badly on them", the F1 analyst says on Sky Sports.

'I ended up with a headache from the regulations'

Differing team bosses and drivers share the view that exceeding the budget cap should be penalised. According to initial reports, one team had significantly exceeded the cap, but the latest rumours indicate only minor infractions.

Chandhok stresses that the regulations are very complicated: "On the flight coming over here [to Japan] I tried to go through the 54-page document that covers the financial regulations and I ended up with a bit of a headache, if I’m honest. It’s hugely complicated, as everything in F1 is, and also it’s up to the teams really to be looking for every loophole to gain performance", says the former F1 driver.