Only the most expensive tickets are still available for Las Vegas GP

F1 News

6 November 2022 at 17:19
Last update 6 November 2022 at 19:02

With a little more than a year to go, the Las Vegas Grand Prix is already almost completely sold out. Within a day, almost all tickets have been sold, except for the most expensive ones.

Las Vegas was announced earlier this year as the third race in America for the 2023 calendar. Most drivers reacted enthusiastically to the unveiling. The race is scheduled for 18 November 2023. The race will take place in iconic downtown Vegas, including on the Las Vegas Strip where many of the famous casinos are located. This weekend was the circuit's launch party, which included Lewis Hamilton as a special guest, and as part of the launch, ticket sales also started.

Bad news however for people who have yet to buy their ticket: the tickets are already almost all sold out. The launch was Saturday night at ten o'clock Las Vegas time, and about 10 hours later, all 'regular' tickets have already been sold. The only spots still available are those in the circuit's skybox. You have to be prepared to put down some serious money for that though: the skybox tickets cost ten thousand euros.

Hotel prices are also high

It is not just prices at the circuit that are skyrocketing. This week, the prices of hotels in Las Vegas for the race weekend were also announced, and they are not exactly cheap either. The cheapest hotel room on the Las Vegas Strip costs visitors €750 a night. The most expensive - the famous Bellagio hotel - costs a whopping €1773 a night.