High chance of rain and thunderstorms during Brazil Grand Prix

F1 News

7 November 2022 at 08:36
Last update 7 November 2022 at 08:52
  • GPblog.com

The Brazilian Grand Prix is just around the corner and there seems to be a good chance of rain. Weather.com predicts rain showers around the Interlagos circuit especially for Saturday and Sunday.

The Brazilian Grand Prix often guarantees spectacle. There is already good racing in dry conditions at this unique circuit, but there have also been many iconic rain races in the past. Think, for instance, of Max Verstappen's heroic performance in 2016 or the title showdown between Lewis Hamilton and Felipe Massa in 2008.

Rain in Brazil

In 2022, as far as a world title is concerned, nothing more is at stake. Verstappen already has the drivers' title in his pocket and Red Bull Racing has secured the constructors' world title. So the stakes are lower, but that need not make the spectacle less spectacular.

According to Weather.com, there are thunderstorms in Sao Paulo on Friday afternoon. It will be 28 degrees that day and there is a 56 per cent chance of rain. The main question is how much rain has already fallen in the days before qualifying. On Saturday, the Sprint could be a special edition, as temperatures drop to 25 degrees and the chance of rain increases to 81 per cent. Thunderstorms are also on the radar for Saturday.

Things do not look much better for the Grand Prix itself on Sunday. It will be 29 degrees, but thunderstorms will linger around the circuit. There also remains a high seventy per cent chance of rain.