Wolff: "I want this team to keep improving continuously'

F1 News

Wolff puts 2022 in perspective: not a total disaster
30 December 2022 at 15:58
Last update 30 December 2022 at 16:56
  • GPblog.com

Although 2022 was a big disappointment for Mercedes AMG F1, it was not the worst F1 season imaginable either. Team boss Toto Wolff hopes to learn a lot from last year's poor start and hopes Mercedes will continue to grow continuously.

The team that won the constructors' championship for the previous eight years was suddenly off the podium at the start of 2022. Mercedes had to start the season playing catch-up, and although the team caught up, it was too late to even think about a title. Mercedes received a lot of criticism, but the team also proved critical of itself. At the end of the year, Wolff now puts the 2022 season in a different perspective after all.

Wolff thinks 2022 is not a total disaster

In a video on YouTube the team boss updates with Mike Elliott and Hywel Thomas: "My perspective or my planning is not about short-terminism. It's not about one race, not even one season, or two, or five. I want this team to contintue to develop." Wolff wants Mercedes to be able to fight for wins and for titles every year, and that made 2022 a bitter year. Mercedes only took victory in Brazil.

Wolff: "I don't want to take it for granted. When I hear us talk like this, it sounds like it was the complete disaster of all seasons. It did feel that way, and that's the right feeling, but at the same time we did finish third in the championship. We were very close to Ferrari, we won a race and we had ten plus podiums." The Austrian does not rule out another difficult start for Mercedes next year, but does assure everyone that 2023 will be another building block of Mercedes' success.