F1 News

Dutch analyst expects Horner to leave Red Bull

Van der Garde expects Horner to leave Red Bull: 'Believe me'

7 February 2024 at 12:42
  • Ludo van Denderen

Christian Horner has been Red Bull Racing's team boss for 20 years. The Brit has been with the Austrian racing team from the very first day, but his future is uncertain due to an investigation into inappropriate behaviour. Giedo van der Garde, a former Dutch Formula One driver and current analyst, believes Horner has slowly become untenable at Red Bull Racing

In his own podcast DRS: The Race Show, the former Caterham driver states that Horner will not be present at the presentation of the RB20 on 15 February anyway. "Horner is, of course, controlled internally by Red Bull. Believe me, when that presentation comes next week, there is no way Horner will be there presenting," Van der Garde said.

'Smear on Red Bull's name'

This Friday, Horner will be questioned about the case by an independent lawyer. Reportedly, all others involved have already been interviewed by the lawyer. No doubt Red Bull want the case to be over as soon as possible; with or without Horner. Van der Garde is convinced that the Briton will not return to Max Verstappen's team.

"For Red Bull this is obviously dramatic and then they also have those presentations next week. Red Bull will come again with a mega-good car, so in that respect they will have a very nice season, but this is a bit of a blemish on the name, but also the team," Van der Garde says in his podcast.