Reason revealed for Steiner's departure at Haas: 'Say it anyway'

F1 News

Steiner reveals reason for departure at Haas
25 February 2024 at 11:00

More has become clear about team principal Guenther Steiner's departure from the Haas team. Less than two months before the start of the new Formula 1 season, it became clear that Steiner would no longer work for Haas. On Ziggo Sport's Race Café, F1 journalist Jack Plooij explained that Steiner sent him an text with the reason for the departure.

Plooij explained how the app traffic with the former Haas team boss went. "He sent me a message, he said, 'Jack, say it anyway'," Plooij told television. "Guenther had found a sponsor for 20 million, Gene Haas did not want that. Steiner wanted some shares, then to stay with the team and look further into the future. 'Haas said, no, we're not going to do that.' So then Steiner himself pulled the plug."

Steiner doesn't necessarily miss Formula 1

Apart from commentating on F1 races at German RTL, the Italian is no longer really active within the king class of motorsport. "I wouldn't say I miss it. I'm pretty happy at home. I still follow everything what is happening now. I speak to a lot of people, people like you, who share a lot of gossip with me about what's going on. I don't follow it very closely anymore, but I still follow it."