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perez wins bet from horner in japan

Perez wins bet against Horner with P2: 'That's how you can motivate me'

6 April 2024 at 12:06

Sergio Perez has won a bet against Christian Horner. The Red Bull Racing team principal told Perez this over the board radio after his second place in qualifying.

After qualifying, a remarkable moment was heard over Perez's board radio. Horner could be heard on it, saying the following: "You cost me a frew (money) today, good job." Perez responded with: "Now you see how you can motivate me." His race engineer then let it be known that he was happy for Perez to share it with him, to which Perez stated that he would share it with all the boys.

Enquiries at Red Bull Racing reveal that Perez and Horner had made a bet. If Perez achieved the front row of the grid, Horner would pay. If Checo failed to qualify among the first two, the Mexican would pay. With a handsome P2 finish, Perez managed to win this bet.