F1 News

Seidl eyes wind tunnel as McLaren's first step to a return to the top

8 July 2019 at 18:30

McLaren team principal Andreas Seidl has identified the team's wind tunnel as one of the best ways to improve their performances on track and return to the top of F1.

McLaren haven't stood on the podium since the first race of the 2013 season and whilst performances have been better this season, the British team still has a way to go to get back to their best.

Seidl came in earlier this year and has already made an impact, and one of his major decisions was for the team to upgrade its wind tunnel. They are currently using Toyota's factory in Cologne, but the facility is set to be upgraded.

Seidl told Autosport: "My mission from Zak [Brown, McLaren F1 CEO] and the owners is to work out as quickly as possible where I see weaknesses in the team.

"One immediate topic was the windtunnel. That is an absolute must if you have the goal of joining the top.

"You need a modern windtunnel."

Whilst Seidl was quick to put things right at McLaren, he has been impressed by the owners' willingness to co-operate.

He continued: "I'm of course very happy that the owners of the team agree with this view and approved it. Because it's a great sign, internally, towards the team.

"It's a confirmation that the owners of the team are serious about getting back to the top. And it's also a clear message to the outside world.

"That's important, for example when it comes to hiring additional people.

"The destination of our journey has to be clear."

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