Brown: McLaren IndyCar deal will open doors for F1 opportunities

F1 News

13 August 2019 at 09:09

McLaren's new revelation to enter a full season of IndyCar will provide more Formula 1 opportunities as well as cross over chances for drivers and engineers alike.

Last week McLaren unveiled their partnership with Arrow Schmidt Peterson Motorsports who currently have Marcus Ericcson and James Hinchcliffe on their roster. The team will still be led by Arrow Schmidt Peterson Motorsports with McLaren offering technical expertise, commercial experience and marketing strength and will be renamed Arrow McLaren Racing SP.

Fernando Alonso has raced the Indy 500 twice with McLaren failing to win the final part of the 'Triple Crown'. Zak Brown revealed the new venture into IndyCar will provide lots of new opportunities across Formula 1 and the Indy series.

"Yeah, we currently have a rookie driver [Sergio Sette Camara] who is under obligation of some rookie tests in Formula 1," Brown said as quoted by Autosport.

"And certainly if we feel that one of our IndyCar drivers has a credible chance in Formula 1, then for sure, we would look to put that driver in for some rookie testing.

"That's one of the exciting things about a combined Formula 1 and IndyCar effort, it will create opportunities for drivers, engineers, especially as we look into the budget cap and Formula 1 will start to change."