F1 News

Hamilton praises Mercedes for never being complacent

19 August 2019 at 10:45

Lewis Hamilton has admitted one of his favourite things about being at Mercedes is that the team rarely if at all get complacent as the Brit leads the way for a sixth World Championship.

Mercedes have been utterly dominant in the turbo-hybrid era winning every World Championship since 2014, with Hamilton claiming four, and being on course for a fifth. He has been in control for most of the season and holds a significant lead over nearest rival and teammate Valtteri Bottas

This year the Brit has won eight and Bottas two of the 12 races this season setting them up well for the second half of the season which resumes in Belgium.

Mercedes have shown no signs of letting up and Hamilton praised the lack of complacency from his team.

“What’s really great in this team is that I don’t think we’re ever complacent,” said Hamilton as quoted by Motorsport Week.

“And even if we sometimes are it nips us in the bud and we pull back.

“But the majority of the time we don’t get complacent, we always arrive with the same mentality, we’ve had all this success yet everyone continues to work just as hard, and no-one is better than the other, and we all lift each other up.

“These eight wins in the first half of the season is obviously exceptional."