The FIA's quest for safety "will never end" says Michael Masi

F1 News

2 September 2019 at 09:03

Michael Masi has said that the FIA will continue to push for safety in the wake of Anthoine Hubert's tragic death last weekend. The FIA has pushed for more safety and the introduction of the Halo is the most obvious change that has been made. They will always continue to try and make the sport as safe as it can be. 

“Safety is ever-evolving,” Masi said to RaceFans.

“Once different technologies become available, different materials become available, safety is an ever-evolving process. For me, it is something that will never end.

“I’ve said it before and I’ll repeat it: Safety is one of the core pillars of the FIA, part of why they exist. That was something that just won’t stop. We’ll continue to research and look at things and improve things as best we can.”

Lewis Hamilton is thankful for how much the FIA has done and wants them to continue to work as hard as they did under Charlie Whiting. 

“There’s a huge amount of work that the FIA have done up to this point,” said Hamilton. “I think they’ve been working incredibly hard and we’ve seen big steps already. Obviously, particularly when Charlie (Whiting) was here he made massive steps forward so we will continue in that direction.”

Motor racing is a dangerous sport and it always will be. However, the FIA will continue to make it as safe as possible so that events, like we saw at the weekend, become even rarer.