Villeneuve says 2021 cars should be lighter, not heavier

F1 News

6 November 2019 at 19:10

Jacques Villeneuve has claimed that F1's 2021 cars should be lighter instead of heavier, saying that racing will be more exciting if drivers have to fight to keep control of the car. Liberty Media announced a huge overhaul of the regulations for the 2021 season which will make cars around 25 kilograms heavier.

The cars in two year's time will be up to 3.5 seconds slower than the current ones. Villeneuve is not averse to a strong opinion and he's given his once again, saying that F1 got it wrong in this scenario.

He told Journal de Montreal"We do not care if they are slower. All you need to do is design cars that are hard to drive. But now they will be heavier by 25 kg. The heavier they are, the more stable they are. It will not help.

"We have a show when cars are lighter, more nervous. This will not be the case. The speed has nothing to do with the quality of the races.

"In fact, it's not the show that needs improvement, as they [the F1 authorities] claim. We must improve the sport. In particular, we must allow more freedom to the teams."