Martin Brundle thinks Claire Williams needs "to go into a more presidential role"

F1 News

16 January 2020 at 08:29

Williams have failed to perform in recent times and Martin Brundle has been critical of Claire Williams for remaining in control. The F1 commentator believes that Williams should bring in someone like McLaren brought in Andreas Seidl to manage the team and Claire Williams can take a more executive role. 

“I’m not (in charge), and you don’t know what you don’t know,” Brundle told Motor Sport Magazine.

“But I would ask Claire to move upstairs into a more presidential role and get in somebody like Andreas Seidl and give them full autonomy. F1 success is all about tomorrow, not yesterday.” 

Williams have a strong history that plays a vital part in their identity as a team and it will continue to do so in the future. But having a big name is not enough in modern Formula 1 and although it seems harsh, Claire Williams has failed to improve the team each season and perhaps it's time she asked for some help.