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Australian health minister encourages people to attend GP despite coronavirus fear
Fears of coronavirus are putting sporting events across the globe into doubt, and with the Australian Grand Prix in just over two weeks' time, the Australian health minister has encouraged fans not to worry and to attend the race as they would do in any other season.
There have been 23 cases of coronavirus in the country, with the virus having caused almost 3,000 fatalities worldwide.
The Chinese Grand Prix has already been postponed and there are fears over other races in the early part of the calendar, with it being suggested that the Dutch GP, set originally to be round five, could become the season opener.
Australia's health minister Greg Hunt says there is nothing to worrying about, speaking in Melbourne: “The message from today, from the states and territories, was go about your ordinary business. Go about your ordinary business. Go down to the Chinese restaurant, go out to the football or the Grand Prix or the netball.
“The messaging of this week is because of the global spread, there is a high likelihood that it will come to Australia at some point. Our message is that we are prepared for that moment because we are not immune but it is very important to go about your daily business.”