Szafnauer: "F1 season may not start until July or August".

F1 News

1 April 2020 at 17:52
Last update 1 April 2020 at 17:52

As long as the coronavirus is not contained worldwide, the Formula 1 season will not start. In the meantime many races have been postponed and if we are going to race it will be in Canada on June 14 at the earliest. Whether that is realistic remains to be seen, but there is a chance that the season will start much later. Maybe in July, or even August.

Later start

The Formula 1 team bosses talk regularly with each other and the FIA, as well as the FOM and the latest state of affairs is that the first races may only be held in France or England. Canada is still an official 'contender' for the start of the season as it has not yet been cancelled.

According to Racing Point team boss Otmar Szafnauer, the start is likely to be later, he says in the last Sky Sports Vodcast. "Maybe we'll start racing in France, maybe at Silverstone. I don't think Canada has already been cancelled, but if we look optimistically then maybe June or July, but it could also be August".

"It's very, very difficult to predict. It is difficult to imagine what the future will look like," says Szafnauer. It also shows that the teams are taking into account a scenario in which they only start very late in the year. Possibly with considerably fewer races on the calendar.