Mol: ''Even on stands you could keep a meter and a half distance''

F1 News

15 April 2020 at 09:00
Last update 15 April 2020 at 12:35

The world has been at a standstill for some time because of the coronavirus, so the question is starting to arise more and more as to how long this will last? When can we go out again, when can we do some more and when will Formula 1 start?

Especially the latter is a question that Olav Mol deals with. The commentator of Ziggo Sport already came up with a calendar last week that would mainly focus on logistic choices and this week Mol is looking at that again. In the podcast F1 aan Tafel of Grand Prix Radio Mol discusses the current situation.

Keeping a distance in the stands

''They will have to start somewhere again and then they won't stick to the old calendar, but they will just make a new one, looking logistically at what's possible, in order to travel as little as possible. You just have to do something again and even on stands you could keep a meter and a half distance'', says Mol.

Mol wonders aloud how long this can be maintained. ''I'm always a bit afraid to say things like that, but of course the discussion will become louder and louder whether we can keep this up. Weigh 2,000 deaths on a population of 17 million, compare that against the measures you're taking'', Mol wonders.