Powerful argument for Formula 1: "Can deal with safety like no other".

F1 News

8 May 2020 at 08:52
  • GPblog.com

Chairman of the Grand Prix Drivers' Association Alexander Wurz thinks it's good that alternative plans are being considered to start the season. According to the former driver, Formula 1 is pre-eminently the industry that knows how to deal with hazards.

Formula 1 is aware of safety

"Formula 1 is a forerunner when it comes to safety. Lap after lap the drivers are on the limit and yet we have on average, and compared to other industries, just a few injuries and fatal accidents. That's because we are safety experts, and Formula knows how to deal with dangers. They can assess risks like no other."

With this Wurz starts his argument in conversation with RaceFans. The former driver of Bennetton and Mclaren believes that Formula 1 should be trusted as soon as they want to start racing because this world knows how to deal with threats and dangers.

"The pandemic is a new threat. This isn't about injuries or anything like that but the way you have to deal with it doesn't differ much from dealing with security in the past. Everyone in Formula 1 is naturally aware of this and respects it. Safety comes first but we wouldn't be in Formula 1 if we weren't prepared for the maximum."

Depending on the authorities

Of course the Austrian knows that formula 1 cannot take the final decision. The authorities ultimately decide whether a race will go on or not and he understands that:

"The final decision will be taken outside our world. When a second wave arrives, the question is whether we will be allowed to travel. Those factors play a role but the GPDA is behind F1 and the FIA. We think it is good that they are looking for ways to start. There are a lot of people working in this world who also have to support a family so a good balance has to be made between safety and commercial interests", concludes a concerned Wurz.