Formula 1 does not rule out 2020 season ending in January

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F1 News

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10 May 2020 at 07:23
Last update 10 May 2020 at 07:51

Liberty Media still intends to finish the 2020 season this year. Chase Carey has stressed that the owner of Formula 1 does not prefer to extend the season until anywhere in 2021. However, it remains an option if there is no other option.

"Right now our current targeted plan has us finishing in December," Carey told stock market analysts Wall Street. Halfway through December, the last Grand Prix of 2020 should be held. "Later in December than the original plan, so sort of more like the 13th, 14th of December. But we are evaluating it, we’ll consider."

April also talked a lot about the suggestion of running the next season in 2021. There would still be driving in January and possibly also in February. The winter tests for the 2021 season would then be cancelled. Liberty Media already indicated that that scenario was not preferable and emphasized that this week.

Liberty will have to puzzle

Carey doesn't want to rule it out at all. "Certainly finishing in January is an option, we could do that, we can do that. I think if we can, we’d like to finish in December", says the top man, who goes on to say that the holiday weeks of December might also be taken advantage of if it really doesn't work out differently.