F1 News

Formula 1 is hoping: ''We're in talks with the British government''

11 May 2020 at 10:40
  • GPblog.com

The British government came sunday with a nasty measure which could have a mayor impact for Formula 1. The government requires people entering the country to be quarantined for two weeks, which is not ideal for the plans of F1.

Formula 1 aims at a start of the season in Austria, followed by two races on the Silverstone circuit. It is not yet known on which days these races are planned, but the new measure could just throw a spanner in the works of F1, because the travelling circus cannot wait two weeks for a race.

Formula 1 awaits

The question now is what effect this will have on the plans of Formula 1. The organisation itself has already contacted the British government. ''We want to wait for the details and are in talks with the government to get a green light for the start of our season'', says a spokesman for Formula 1 against Motorsport.com.

Whether the British Government is going to give a blank cheque to organize a sport is very questionable. England has already been hard hit by the coronavirus. With 219,183 infections and 31,855 deaths, it already has more problems than fire Italy had. Who knows, therefore, Formula 1 may have to look for another location for the third and fourth races.