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First F1 teams open factories with new rules

1 June 2020 at 14:44

The mandatory closure of the factories of the F1 teams will stop this week. AlphaTauri and Renault are the first teams to reopen, reports.

Extended holiday

The mandatory summer holiday for the teams was brought forward this year to March, April and May because of the coronavirus. In total, the factories had to remain closed for no less than 63 days, much more than the usual two weeks.

The period of closure ends for almost all teams this week. Engine departments were allowed to open last week and today the F1 plants of AlphaTauri and Renault opened completely again.

The new normal

For the time being, 'just' going 'normal' is not in it for the staff. The teams are doing everything in their power to prevent the spread of COVID-19 on the shop floor as well. For example, there are many signs in the AlphaTauri factory with texts reminding the staff to keep their distance and the teams often only work at half strength.

AlphaTauri has also chosen to use plexiglass between different workplaces and all employees have to wear a mouth guard. The measures will remain in place in the factories until the number of corona infections in the countries concerned has been 'drastically reduced'.