Abiteboul: 'Without these rules there was no reason for us to stay in F1'


2 June 2020 at 13:01
  • GPblog.com

Renault stays in Formula 1, which is one thing that is certain now, but all the speculation was there for a reason. In an interview with Cyril Abiteboul it becomes clear that there were indeed doubts about the leadership of Renault.

Speculations around Renault

''There was a lot of speculation and I think it's a good thing that it's ended now. Formula 1 can be seen as a cost that Renault can cut, but what has now become clear is that Formula 1 is an investment and not a cost'", says Abiteboul in conversation with Motorsport.com.

''We are already working to get a budget cap in Formula 1 from 2016, because now it is more and more about hero and in the long run there is no point in staying in the sport. As long as that budget cap wasn't presented, there was no point for us to announce a longer stay in F1'', says Abiteboul.

Departure from F1

With the budget cap and the new technical regulations of 2022, it makes sense for Renault to stay in the sport longer. Formula 1 does not have to be a cost item if it is used correctly. With the right results and marketing a lot can be achieved with F1.

''We have made it clear to the management which way we want to go and which costs are linked to which results. In the end we want to be competitive end at can with the new rules. Without those rules there wouldn't be any reason for us to stay in Formula 1'', concludes the Renault team boss.