Update | Hospital gives more information about worrying condition Zanardi

Breaking News

19 June 2020 at 20:19
Last update 19 June 2020 at 22:47
  • GPblog.com

Alex Zanardi (53) crashed heavily with his handbike on Friday when he lost control during a descent somewhere in Tuscany. He was transported by trauma helicopter to the hospital of Siena, where he is currently in surgery.

Zanardi's accident took place on public roads and he ended up on the wrong side of the road. There he collided with a truck. The first reports indicated that Zanardi was conscious and approachable immediately after the accident, but that he was in a serious condition.

The Siena Santa Maria alle Scotte University Hospital has now issued a statement about the condition in which Zanardi entered the operating room. "His condition is very serious because of the severe head injury he suffered. He is currently undergoing a very delicate neurosurgical procedure."

These are disturbing reports about a driver and athlete who is admired far beyond the world of motorsport. The Prime Minister of Italy, Guiseppe Conte, has also expressed his support. "You never give up and your incredible mental resilience has already overcome thousands of setbacks. Cheer up Alex, don't give up. All of Italy is with you."

Update 23:00 - Situation Zanardi very serious