Formula 1 launches new campaign against racism: #WeRaceAsOne

Formula 1

F1 News

22 June 2020 at 10:24

In the fight against racism, Formula 1 has launched a new campaign ahead of the first Grand Prix of the season in 2020: #WeRaceAsOne stands for the fight against the major obstacles facing mankind.

Formula 1 comes with a new logo, which can be seen as a rainbow. #WeRaceAsOne stands not only for the fight against racism, but also for the fight against the coronavirus and inequality throughout the world. Formula 1 wants to contribute in this way and hopes to get more attention for these topics with the rainbow.

F1 enters the fight

Formula 1 wants to use the first race to draw attention to the fight against the coronavirus, but also inequality in the world. They also want to express their gratitude for the strength shown by the whole world to fight the pandemic and see the restart of Formula 1 as a help for the sports community to stand up as one against racism.

In Austria this will lead to teams and partners of Formula 1 to dress in the colours of the rainbow. You can already see an example of the McLaren, with a rainbow over the Halo. The rainbow has been chosen as a symbol to bring everyone together in the fight as humanity.