
Zanardi's got a long way to go: "Regaining sight is the least for now"

23 July 2020 at 19:28
Last update 23 July 2020 at 20:02

A little over a month ago Alex Zanardi was involved in a major accident with his wheelchair bike on a mountain road in Italy. He got on the wrong side of the road and bumped into an oncoming truck. For the second time in his life he had to fight to keep that life.

He now seems to have won that fight for a second time, according to the words of his son Niccolo in the Corrière della Sera. The 21-year-old hasn't left his side since the accident and is convinced that his father is going to recover, although he also realises that there is still a long way to go.

"It is no longer life-threatening and that means a lot, but we are prepared for the long road ahead. We are also happy that his recovery went much faster than expected. But that shouldn't come as a surprise, after all it is my father. That man's energy is incredible, he's extraordinarily strong."

Communication now the most important thing

Zanardi is no longer being sedated, which means that Niccolo and his mother have an important job to do. They now have to stimulate him as much as possible with words and attention, so that his brain will be revived. Whether that succeeds is now the most important question, even more important than whether he will ever regain his sight.

"The vision problem is the least for now," says Niccolo. "What matters now is that we can communicate with him again. I'm sure he's going to make it. One day we'll talk about this and he can tell this story to me and his grandchildren. I have faith in that and so does my mother."