Lammers doesn't believe Ferrari: ''I'll see them win some races before 2022''

F1 News

30 July 2020 at 09:01

Jan Lammers can't imagine that Ferrari won't compete for victory again until 2022. Ferrari itself has already thrown in the towel, but the former Formula 1 driver doesn't want to believe that yet.

''I've said it before, but we must remember that Ferrari has been hit hardest by the coronavirus. That's an excuse at the beginning, but it can't last long. I can't imagine that the entire management of Ferrari is behind the statement that they won't win again until 2022," says Lammers at De Telegraaf.

Ferrari behind the facts

Earlier, FIAT president John Elkann indicated in an interview that the team has given up the coming seasons in order to really compete for the world title again in 2022. Where Ferrari would normally throw people out if it didn't work out, Ferrari now seems to be taking the time to get back to the top.

''So what should we think as viewers? Surely they can't drive until 2022 without some good performance? They have the biggest budget of anyone. I see them winning another race between now and 2022, because it's Ferrari we're talking about'', the Dutchman concludes.