Is Williams going after Racing Point now, too? "Copying belongs in Formula 1''

F1 News

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30 July 2020 at 10:22
Last update 30 July 2020 at 12:23

Racing Point is in the spotlight this season because of the protest that Renault has filed against them. If it is up to Dave Robson, copying other succesful cars may also become the new standard in Formula 1. 

''That could well be', says the technical director of Williams when asked if Racing Point will be an example for other teams. ''It is clear that Mercedes has built the best car in recent years and that is phenomenal. If you see how Racing Point performs then you are going to consider it seriously," says Robson.

Is Williams going to copy as well?

The difference with 2019 is huge for Racing Point, which suddenly seems to have the fastest car after Mercedes. Of course there are still many questions about the origin of this design, but that it is a success formula should be clear. Williams has always stuck to its own design, but now keeps the door open.

''Copying has always been part of Formula 1 and you can't take over just anything with these complicated cars. So you have to understand how and why the Mercedes works so well before you can take over. It's all part of it and I don't have a problem with that'', concludes Robson versus