
Grosjean had long talk with Hamilton; Raikkonen doesn't want to explain himself

30 July 2020 at 16:06

Since the Austrian Grand Prix there has been a lot to do about the way the drivers make a statement against racism before every race. The fact that this has to be done every Grand Prix also led to disagreement between the drivers.

During the press conference on the Thursday prior to the British Grand Prix, Romain Grosjean will be asked about this. As leader of the GPDA he enjoys some authority among the drivers and he was one of the drivers who didn't feel the need to kneel before every race.

He says he changed his mind about this after a three-quarters of an hour phone conversation with Lewis Hamilton. "In hindsight that was wrong," Grosjean says. Who also has a hard time with being called a racist on social media.

Raikkonen no longer feels like explaining choice

After Grosjean almost every driver is asked about this subject, and some are asked why they didn't kneel. Kimi Raikkonen is one of them and he seems a bit fed up with it. "Why do we have to justify our choice every time", it sounds irritated from the Finn's mouth.

He then emphasizes that he has no problem at all with others doing this and understands Hamilton's side of the story. He says they're all against racism, but here they're doing sports in the first place. He thinks he doesn't have to explain why he doesn't kneel.