F1 News

Mugello example for Zandvoort? ''They must have been very happy there''

17 September 2020 at 08:42
Last update 17 September 2020 at 11:31
  • GPblog.com

Mugello provided a true spectacle. Many people will have thought beforehand that you cannot catch up here, but they were wrong. It immediately creates more demand for 'old-fashioned circuits'.

The circuits of Hermann Tilke

In recent years, the discussion has often focused on historic circuits and the new generation of circuits. Many of the circuits designed by Hermann Tilke fall into the latter category. Bahrain, Abu Dahbi, China. All circuits where you can overtake, but the gravel pits are missed.

''Each of Tilke's circuits has one interesting and unique point on the circuit, but they all feel the same. They do have the same characteristics and are mainly aimed at providing a lot of spectacle with slow corners and long straights," says Jolyon Palmer in his column for the BBC.

Back to the classic tracks

''Despite the fact that this causes a lot of overtaking, I think drivers will never put their circuits in their top five. There will always be circuits like Spa, Silverstone, Monaco and Suzuka. Classic tracks, like Mugello. Drivers will not be able to make mistakes there. Verstappen is stuck in the gravel because he lets his tyres spin. That would never have happened on another circuit,'' says Palmer.

The former Formula 1 driver is therefore happy that Zandvoort is on the calendar for 2021. ''Zandvoort is also such a classic circuit. It should have been on the calendar as early as 2020 and has the same characteristics as Mugello. I am therefore sure that the organisation in the Netherlands will have been happy with a successful Grand Prix of Tuscany," concludes Palmer.