
Raikkonen and Giovinazzi react: 'Otherwise I wouldn't be here'

30 October 2020 at 08:31
Last update 30 October 2020 at 08:36

Kimi Raikkonen and Antonio Giovinazzi have responded with satisfaction to the news that they will be competing for Alfa Romeo Racing in 2021. The two Formula 1 drivers have been teammates since 2018 and are set to work together in the third year. 

"Alfa Romeo is more than a racing team to me, it is like a second family," says Raikkonen through official channels. Nor is it the Finn's first job at Alfa Romeo. "So many of the faces that were around me when I made my Formula One debut in 2001 are still here and the unique atmosphere of this team is what gives me that extra motivation to keep going in what will be my 19th season in the sport, next year."

From a sporting point of view things are not going very well for the Italian race team, but Raikkonen has enough confidence in the future. "I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t believe in the team’s project and in what we feel we can achieve together," he is clear about his own ambitions and those of the team.

Giovinazzi very happy

A contract extension for Giovinazzi was anything but certain after his first weekends in 2020. It doesn't matter much any more, because the signatures have now been put in place. "I am happy this relationship can continue for one more year. The team has put a lot of faith in me and I have done my best to repay this confidence with hard work and commitment: we have achieved some good results and I feel I have done my part to make the team progress, but the road ahead is still long and
there is much more we want to achieve together," said the Italian driver.