'They should be happy that they have this job and earn a little money'

F1 News

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8 November 2020 at 15:47
Last update 8 November 2020 at 15:51
  • GPblog.com

From next season, Formula 1 teams will have to respect a budget cap of 145 million dollars, but this does not (yet) include the salaries of drivers and three top workers.

Driver's salary cap

After the general budget cap, a driver's salary cap is now also under discussion. It is proposed that a maximum of 30 million dollars should be spent on drivers' salaries, which could be distributed disproportionately between the two drivers. For example, 25 million for one driver and five million for the other.

In any case, AlphaTauri team boss Franz Tost is very much in favor of such a salary cap. "They earn far too much money. No spectators are allowed, the FOM earns less money, and the teams earn less money. I see no reason why the drivers should not get less," he tells Speedweek.com. Tost goes even further with his speech. "They should be happy that they have this job and earn a little money at the same time."

The salary cap for drivers should start in 2023, with existing contracts being allowed to be used up.