F1 News

Max: "I know what happened at Silverstone, because I was in the car"

27 July 2021 at 16:53
Last update 27 July 2021 at 19:15
  • GPblog.com

Much has been said and written about the crash between Max Verstappen and Lewis Hamilton during the British Grand Prix at Silverstone. Besides the message that we know that the two have had telephone contact, there is no official announcement from the side of Verstappen and the side of Hamilton.

Media hype

The media can't stop talking about it, but because Verstappen was in hospital himself after the race he couldn't really say anything about his crash, except for a message on Instagram. In an official press release from Red Bull Racing, he says: "I don't have much to say about all the media hype and to be honest I'm not interested in doing anything with it either."

"I know what happened at Silverstone because I was in the car and of course I have a certain feeling about how my race ended, but now I'm concentrating on being as good as possible on the track, so we can stay ahead in the championship," the Dutchman let slip.

Last season

Verstappen hasn't forgotten the start of his race last year either: "The team can deal with the official side of things and everything that needs sorting out after the crash, but my job is the same as always - to be as good as possible and try to win on Sunday. I enjoy Hungary as a circuit and let's hope there is a little less action on the way to the starting grid, as last year the mechanics performed a miracle to get my car ready for the race!"