Confirmed: Alonso escapes without penalty ahead of Turkish Grand Prix

F1 News

9 October 2021 at 16:43
Last update 10 October 2021 at 07:01

Fernando Alonso put in a great performance during qualifying for the Turkish Grand Prix by securing sixth place in his Alpine car. For a short time, it looked in doubt but the stewards have decided not to give the Spaniard a penalty. 

Double yellow flags

Alonso had to report to the stewards due to an issue under yellow flags. The stewards looked at the data and thoughts from Alonso and Alpine. 

"It was evident that the driver fulfilled the requirement of reducing speed significantly after the double yellow flags were displayed and therefore complied with the provisions set out in Art. 2.5.5.b) of the FIA International Sporting Code. Nonetheless, Note 7.1 of the Race Director’s Event Notes require drivers not to set a meaningful lap time in a double yellow flag situation," the statement said. 

"Taking into account the fact that the yellow flag situation occurred at the time the driver started his first timed lap of the session and noting that the driver was fully convinced that he did not set a meaningful lap time as his next flying lap was approximately 3.5 seconds faster than the one when the yellow flag situation occurred, the Stewards are satisfied that the driver complied with the relevant regulations and take no further action."