Meeting idol Hamilton: "I have to cry. I want to shake his hand"

F1 News

28 October 2021 at 11:13
Last update 28 October 2021 at 13:25

At the invitation of Mercedes partner UBS, three schoolchildren with a keen interest in engineering, science and mathematics visited the Mercedes factory in Brackley. This is something teams often do in order to enthuse young children about a possible career in motor racing. However, for these children, the visit was extra special.

Hamilton in disguise

During their tour of the factory, the children meet one of the mechanics at Lewis Hamilton's car. There they are told that 'absolutely no one but Hamilton himself is allowed to touch the car and the steering wheel'. When the mechanic then takes the steering wheel out of the car, it becomes clear that the mechanic in question is actually Hamilton himself, in disguise.

The children are, of course, stunned to meet their idol. "I'm speechless," responds one of the children. "I have to cry. I want to shake his hand," responds another. Of course, the children get the chance to ask the seven-time world champion all their questions. Watch the full video below.