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Verstappen very effective: 'He will not fear those last races'.

25 November 2021 at 08:05
Last update 25 November 2021 at 08:57

According to many, Lewis Hamilton is now the favourite for the world title after his victories in Qatar and Brazil. However, according to British journalist, Scott Mitchell, it is foolish to underestimate Max Verstappen at this stage of the season.

Best feature of Verstappen

Hamilton has won two races in a row and so the momentum is on his side. However, according to Mitchell that doesn't mean he will win the title immediately. In a column for The Race The Brit describes the relaxed attitude that Verstappen still has, but also his special efficiency during this season.

''Verstappen will not fear the final two rounds just because of Hamilton’s brace of victories, just like he wasn’t getting carried away by his own double before that. Verstappen has been relentlessly good this season and very effective even when he hasn’t been able to beat Hamilton. His best attribute in this battle is his apparent imperviousness to the pressure of his first championship challenge'', writes the journalist.

Chasing Hamilton

''If Mercedes nails the final two events and Hamilton continues this form then the eight-point margin is perfectly realistic to overcome. But even if Mercedes has the best package over the final two races there is every chance Verstappen will still qualify on the front row, every chance he can attack at the start, every chance he can hound Hamilton to the end.''

Although Mitchell sees driving on at the yellow flag situation in Qatar as a weakness of Verstappen's in his column, he says it would not be smart to underestimate Max. ''He’s driving so well this season that it would be foolish to underestimate him even in a scenario that would be weighted against him,'' Mitchell concludes.