Internetreacties GP Spanje | 'Hoop dat Red Bull die strategie heroverweegt'
F1 Nieuws

De Grand Prix van Spanje 2022 zorgde voor een enerverende race. Na een spin moest Max Verstappen zich herstellen, maar na de plotselinge uitvalbeurt van Charles Leclerc kon de Nederlander zich goed herpakken en ging hij er uiteindelijk vandoor met de overwinning.
Toch is niet iedereen het eens met de manier waarop Verstappen heeft gewonnen in Barcelona. Sergio Perez lag namelijk aan de leiding, maar de Mexicaan moest zijn positie opgeven en Verstappen er langs laten. De Nederlander reed op versere banden en was dan ook een stuk sneller dan zijn teamgenoot.
Ook Mercedes heeft voor een verrassing gezorgd in Spanje. Het team kwam met nieuwe updates naar het circuit en wist een podiumplaats te halen met George Russell. Ook Lewis Hamilton reed een sterke race nadat hij vanaf P19 terug naar voren moest rijden door een incident met Kevin Magnussen. Uiteindelijk eindigde de Brit op P5.
Internet reageert op GP Spanje
What a disaster race from Ferrari. Just unbelievable.
— Toni Sokolov (@tonisokolov1011) May 22, 2022
Leclerc had an easy win on its hands and Sainz from his start to his spin and overall pace was just terrible.
Big loss of points in both WDC and WCC. No space for mistakes.
Max won every race he finished. #F1 #SpanishGP
Ooo Perez mad mad. As he should tbh. This was his win. He has the ability to fight for wins and they’re not letting him unlock his full potential. I understand why they did what they did but… yeah doesn’t feel good when you’re being sacrificed no matter the reason
— (@stopbeingthem) May 22, 2022
A Mercedes overtaking a Ferrari on pure performance, is that a first in 2022?
— Aldas(@Aldas001) May 22, 2022
Imo checo deserved the win but we move
— amaya (@mevamaya) May 22, 2022
Pretty hilarious that even with Lando having to lie down on the driver's parade because he feels so ill that he finished P8 and Ricciardo was like P12.
— Danny (@DannyBrennan72) May 22, 2022
What the fuck happened to Danny Ric????
The hard way??? The leader DNF’d 15 seconds in front of the field!
— Josh Wilcock (@JustJoshingF1) May 22, 2022
Sainz fans will be amused by this but reminder that he needed Hamilton to lift+coast to pass him for 4th in a car that could’ve won when Lewis was 19th in the first few laps
— amelia (@formulaAMELIA) May 22, 2022
LH’s recovery drive was absolutely epic, shame about the end
— Jordan ¹⁰³ (@F1_Jordan) May 22, 2022
George maximised what he could have got from the car today
Both solid drives
When George got rid of the no points curse it needed a new host and found Mick
— Simon Weigang (@CRGSimon) May 22, 2022
The implication from this race is that Perez will never be allowed to finish ahead of Verstappen under any circumstances, which is brutal. I hope Red Bull reconsiders this strategy...#SpanishGP #F1
— Bryson Sullivan (@NaturalParadigm) May 22, 2022
Can’t believe we got an exciting Spanish GP
— Benjamin (@Tiametmarduk) May 22, 2022
Monaco, I’m starting to believe
Verstappen fans have given Bottas grief for years but are now praising Perez endlessly for doing the same but worse.
— Abz (@zeeterstar) May 22, 2022
I'm all for letting them race, but even I think Red Bull would have been nuts not to have Verstappen and Perez swap positions during that Grand Prix. Anyone who had a problem with it is probably not understanding the situation and taking it at face value #SpanishGP
— Sean Kelly (@virtualstatman) May 22, 2022