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Party animal Norris rocks Amsterdam with Garrix during King's Day

28 April 2024 at 07:30
  • GPblog.com

Every year, King's Day in The Netherlands attracts many tourists to celebrate King Willem Alexander's birthday. Lando Norris turned out to be one of them in 2024. The McLaren driver was spotted in the national capital on Saturday, partying with his pal Martin Garrix. Judging from the footage, Norris was having quite a good time.

Norris - obviously adorned in orange - was among the guests on a boat ride through Amsterdam's canals. Whether the McLaren driver was also present at Garrix's flat later in the evening is unknown. As now every year, the record artist closed King's Day with a fireworks display from his flat on Gustav Mahlerlaan. Although Garrix has a permit for this, not every Amsterdammer is happy about it.

Norris had weekend off

Norris had a weekend off between the Chinese Grand Prix and the upcoming race in Miami. With the upcoming Grand Prix in the US city - including a sprint race - it is easy to imagine that Norris will celebrate King's Day on Saturday with a soft drink.

Incidentally, Norris was rumoured to have been injured during the festivities. This report has not been confirmed.