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Andretti wants to make debut in Formula One in 2026

5 May 2024 at 20:58

Mario Andretti believes Andretti can enter Formula 1 as a team from 2026. Despite a rejection from the FOM, the Americans continue to fight hard for their place in the sport, Andretti told Sky Sports.

"Well, I can say we're working every day on it. We're ready to meet whatever challenge there is, just tell us what and we're in because we're preparing in every possible way and our intention is to be on the grid in 2026," said the former world champion ahead of the Miami Grand Prix.

Great news, according to the Sky reporter, but is it achievable? "Oh absolutely, 100%. We're working on it already so we can show you." The US Congress also lent a hand to Andretti last week. "Well obviously, that was because of Formula One, they had an exhibition of Red Bull on Pennsylvania Avenue and then many members of Congress knew more than I ever thought about our flight so they asked me to come there and explain why we're not allowed yet, so that was the case."

New regulations for the cars and engines goes into effect in 2026, so that would be a perfect time for a new team to enter. General Motors can supply Andretti with engines from 2028. So before then, Andretti still has to look for a suitable engine partner, should it want to start as early as 2026.