Brown responds to fierce criticism Horner: 'We are not taking a view'

F1 News

22 October 2022 at 18:34
Last update 22 October 2022 at 19:09

Zak Brown has responded to Christian Horner's fierce words on the Saturday before the US Grand Prix. According to the McLaren CEO, he did not specifically accuse Red Bull Racing of a budget cap breach.

Horner seems to be completely done with the competititors. For weeks, rumours have been circulating in the paddock about Red Bull exceeding its 2021 budget cap. The team has been accused of a minor breach of less than five per cent. Several team bosses were quick to voice their opinions on the situation.

Brown too has a clear opinion on exceeding the budget cap. In a letter to the FIA, the McLaren CEO let it be known that teams that overspend should be punished harshly. The American himself believes he was not pointing the finger at anyone in the letter, but Horner clearly thinks otherwise. The team boss finds it shocking that his competition is accusing Red Bull of cheating.

Brown defends letter to FIA

"My letter set out that if someone, or a team spends more than the cap, they will get an advantage. The cap is a rule, no different to the technical rules. We are not taking a view whether they did or didn't," Brown explains in the team bosses' press conference.

"My letter was IF someone had, here are the things that should be addressed. No different if a ride height is incorrect, or whatever the case might be. I didn't mention any teams, it was a general response now we are in the cost cap era. I know none of the detail."