Mercedes helps against coronavirus: 1,000 devices a day against COVID-19

F1 News

30 March 2020 at 08:34

The Formula 1 world may have come to a complete standstill because of the coronavirus, but that didn't stop Mercedes from producing something. However, this time it isn't an innovative design for the car, but in battle with the COVID-19.

In the space of a week, the University of London together with the Mercedes Formula 1 team have developed a product that sends oxygen to the lungs without the need for ventilation equipment. Where normally this could take years to develop, it was now ready in a week.

The mask, which goes under the title Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP), ensures that air is continuously blown to the lungs, so that the patient does not have to go to great lengths to breathe. This is a major problem of the coronavirus, which fills the lungs with liquid and therefore leaves less space for air.

Mercedes helps against coronavirus

The design is now being tested and if it comes out well, Mercedes can make 1000 CPAPs a day. This should make it easier for people with the coronavirus to breathe and would also solve the problem of collapsing lungs. Andy Cowell, top man of Mercedes, is only too happy with the development.

''The Formula 1 world has been impressive in its efforts to fight the coronavirus as much as possible. We are proud to be part of the CPAP to ensure that the product can be delivered as quickly and as much as possible to the people who need it," said Cowell to the BBC.