Ricciardo: "This is more than just a phase, I think change is happening"


22 June 2020 at 17:48
  • GPblog.com

Daniel Ricciardo reacts in a Sky F1 interview to all Black Lives Matters movements. The Australian believes that change really happens. According to Ricciardo it is more than just a phase.

Eyes are open

Ricciardo talks to Sky about the new Formula 1 initiative announced earlier today. "I've certainly learned a lot the last few weeks, probably close to a month now", says Ricciardo. "I've been reading, I've been watching, and it's certainly opened my eyes."

"I've learned that just because you might not be, or consider yourself, a racist or a person of conflict, that's not enough", Ricciardo continues. "You have to speak up, you have to educate yourself and others around you. Because what I've understood is being silent is kind of part of the problem really."

Ricciardo thinks himself naive

"I've watched quite a few videos, there's been so much circulating on Twitter, on Instagram. I felt... I don't know if it's guilty or, how could I be so naive to everything that's been going on? It's not only the last few weeks, it's been months, it's been years", says an emotional Ricciardo.

The Renault driver says he is happy that everyone is now exposed to the problem. This allows people to understand more of it, according to Ricciardo. "It's good, it's positive, and I think change is really happening."

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