Vettel again in a spin: ''Why would you suddenly touch those kerbs?''

F1 News

11 August 2020 at 07:09
Last update 11 August 2020 at 07:34

Alexander Albon managed to impress again on Sunday with several overtaking actions, but on Saturday he is still a bit short. Sebastian Vettel disappointed throughout the weekend and looks like warpath within Ferrari. Rob Kamphues and Robert Doornbos discuss both situations.

Diesel Albon

"In my opinion, Albon is the Sunday Driver of the Day. He really had some special overtaking. He does have that racepace, but he gets up a bit late and his Saturday is of course an Achilles heel'', says Doornbos, who shows some images of Albon on Sunday in the programme Crashen in de Keuken.

Another driver that both men noticed was Vettel. The German went into a spin in the first lap and then was critical of his team for the rest of the race and even after the race. A strange situation of course, because Vettel had already ruined his own race by a spin, so who was it to?

Vettel sinks further away

''He hasn't touched that kerb all weekend,'' says Doornbos about the kerb hitting Vettel in the first corner. ''So why go and see that kerb in the first lap with a full tank and cold tyres? Why would you do something like that'', says Doornbos, who also doesn't have a good word left for Vettel's words about the onboard radio.

''This is hard to say, because Ferrari can answer and ask who ruined it? You spin in that first corner and ruin the race? It really is war at Ferrari, because they are constantly attacking each other'', the former Formula 1 driver concludes.