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Lack of party mode according to Marko not only a disadvantage for Mercedes

3 September 2020 at 14:35
Last update 3 September 2020 at 15:06
  • GPblog.com

Starting this weekend, teams will no longer be allowed to use special engine modes during qualifying. This is intended to break the dominance of Mercedes, but according to some connoisseurs it would allow Mercedes to use more power during the race.

Because of the ban on the special engine modes on Saturdays, Mercedes could step up the load on the engines during the race. Although Helmut Marko acknowledges that this could be true, he believes that doesn't outweigh the disadvantages for Mercedes.

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"That Mercedes can drive longer with a strong mode may well be the case", says Marko in conversation with Autosport.com"But as we see it, their absolute superiority in qualifying will no longer be there. This also applies to the in and out laps around the pit stops in the race."

Red Bull Racing therefore thinks to take advantage of these new measures at crucial moments, not only with respect to Mercedes, but also Renault, which will be less of a threat on Saturday. "Renault has a relatively good qualifying mode, but in the race they are weaker than us. In qualifying Renault is at our level or slightly above it."