Racing Point reacts to Pérez announcement: "We wish him good luck"

F1 News

9 September 2020 at 20:27
Last update 9 September 2020 at 21:11

Following Sergio Pérez's official statement, his team responded to his departure in a press release. Racing Point announces that the driver is leaving the team after seven years and thanks him for "his hard work and dedication over the years, and wish him every success in the future".

Team boss Otmar Szafnauer, who earlier today gave the impression that Pérez would stay with the team, praised Pérez in the press release: “Checo has been part of the Silverstone family for seven years and in that time has become one of the most complete drivers on the grid. Blisteringly quick on Saturday and Sunday, he’s established his reputation as a tenacious racer and together we have enjoyed some fantastic moments. If there was ever a sniff of a podium, Checo was ready to pounce, and those five podiums represent some of the finest days in the history of this team.”

Szafnauer continues about Pérez as a person: "Outside of the car, Checo is a true character and a good friend, and it’s been a pleasure working with him for such a long time. Although we will say goodbye at the end of the year, there are still nine races to go and plenty of opportunities for Checo to make some more special memories with this team.”