Albers: 'Cooperation Red Bull with Honda is a dream comes true'

F1 News

15 September 2020 at 18:24

Red Bull Racing drove a Renault engine for years, but they exchanged it for Honda. Given that Renault competes with its own team in the sport, where the engines proved to be quite unreliable in the past, the relationship between the two parties was not too good. With Honda they are in a different situation and choosing this manufacturer is the best they could have done.

A dream come true

At least, that's what Christijan Albers says in the Formula 1 podcast of the Telegraaf. "I still resent Red Bull for being so casual about choosing Honda. It was the best choice ever. There was nothing else. If you want to be a top team, you have to make sure you get a manufacturer, that you can really become a factory team. And with Honda, the door was open."

This mainly results in a situation where they get the full attention of the bike supplier as opposed to taking the bike from a manufacturer who is also participating. Red Bull Racing often stood for Renault, which is a bit painful for such a manufacturer. With Honda, that's out of the question and vice versa, the engine manufacturer focuses completely on Red Bull Racing to make it a success.

"Honda is also a manufacturer that can bring in additional sponsorship. They don't have to look at the budget, for their (Red Bull) it's a dream come true. And yet sometimes that arrogant attitude, in the beginning they had that. And now you notice that they are learning or becoming a bit more flexible in it. They notice that this is the ideal combination," said the former F1 driver.