Vettel realistic but positive about Aston Martin switch

F1 News

3 January 2021 at 10:50
Last update 3 January 2021 at 12:06

Sebastian Vettel in an Aston Martin. It is perhaps the most appealing new combination in an already fascinating 2021 when it comes to new drivers at new teams. What's more, the project looks promising, although he doesn't want to run too fast straight away.

"I don't expect any guarantees of success in the future, but I do expect a lot of hard work," Vettel told F1 insider. "We need to use the atmosphere of optimism in the team as we try, step by step, to get closer to success. Realistically Mercedes will remain the big favourite in 2021."

Vettel is realistic, but also positive

Yet the four-time world champion continues to believe in himself. He even admitted that in a way he is better now than he was when he got his world titles. "Mainly because I'm different now. Better, with more experience, with a clearer picture than when I was at Red Bull, for example."

That Vettel starts this adventure with fresh courage is actually not strange. At Ferrari you are expected to win, here every achievement will be a new milestone. "We now have the opportunity to write another chapter in Aston Martin's motorsport history. It's exciting for all fans of the brand, as it is for Formula 1 and the sport itself."