Vaccinations for Formula 1? Liberty Media says the following about it!

Red Bull Content Pool


5 February 2021 at 13:09
Last update 5 February 2021 at 14:54

Vaccinations for Formula 1? The vaccination against the coronavirus has started in almost every country, but for several reasons, it is not going as fast as hoped. Not all vulnerable groups have been vaccinated yet, which raises the question of whether vaccinating athletes now is ethically justifiable. Formula 1 at least took a stand on Friday.

An example is the Olympic Games that are due to take place this summer in Tokyo, Japan. Such an event seems likely to go ahead (albeit without an audience) once everyone has been vaccinated, but do you really want that when the people who need the vaccine more have not yet had their turn?

No vaccinations in Formula 1

Stefano Domenicali made the following statement on behalf of Formula 1: "This is a very important point. The most vulnerable, that is priority one. We don't want to jump on the line of vaccination. We need to be prudent and see and respect what is the situation with the more vulnerable people and we don't want to be seen as the ones taking away for sure", said Liberty Media's CEO.

So, for the time being, it doesn't look like the drivers and teams will be given a vaccine.